The Rules:
1. Accept the award, post it in your blog together with the name of the person who granted you the award.
Award ni mama terima dr ESSAL n kak HERNEE (sory yer kak sebab x tau akak bg award ni gak, ida ingat mama danish lain...hehehehe).... tq byk2 yer....
Award ni mama terima dr ESSAL n kak HERNEE (sory yer kak sebab x tau akak bg award ni gak, ida ingat mama danish lain...hehehehe).... tq byk2 yer....
2. Pass it on the other 15 blog that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know you have tagged them.
sapa erk??? mgkn x sampai 15 kot....
- adzrina mohd radzi - mummy aqil - mama danish (sama nama) -umi haikal -mummyseri-
semua ni kwn2 baru mama....

akak pn ade bg ida award yg same..lupe nk infm..hehehe
huuuu.. :( name akk xde..
xpe, xkecik ati.. lalalaa..
kak hernee: yer ke kak??? x per2 jap lg ida ambil k!!!
jgn mara tau kak!!!
kak zai: ala akak!!! jgn la majuk!!!
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